Policy Advocacy
Committee Info:
This committee serves as the central clearing house for identifying, reviewing, and approving any action on policy matters as it pertains to local, regional, state and federal legislation that impacts EMA and its members.
Board of Directors Liaison

Ken Nelson
Blue Delta Energy LLC
Recently Submitted Policy Comments:
[2023-11-24]_EMA SBTi EAC Evidence Cover Letter and Research Question Answers.pdf
[2023-11-24]_EMA SBTi Evidence Submission.pdf
[04-24-2023] EMA Comments on Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) RIN 3084—AB15 Regulatory review, request for public comment: Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (“Green Guides”)
EMA Comments on S7-10-22/RIN 3235-AM87 Securities and Exchange Commission(“SEC”), Proposed Rule:The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors (“Proposed Rule”)
New Jersey Solar Successor Incentive Program Comments
New Jersey Staff Straw Proposal on Clean Energy Act of 2018 Statutory Cost Caps (“Straw Proposal”)
EPA’s Modifications to Fuel Regulations: Provide Flexibility for E15; Modifications to RFS RIN Market Regulations
New Jersey BPU Solar Transition Comments
Comments on Massachusetts Clean Peak Standard (CPS) Stakeholder Questions
Renewable Portfolio Standard Policy Recommendation
New Jersey Solar Market Transition Recommendations
Recommendations for the Clean and Renewable Energy Component of New Jersey’s 2019 Energy Master Plan
Renewable Portfolio Standard Policy Recommendations for the CleanEnergy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018
EMA Policy Advocacy Committee Charter
Approved by EMA Board March 5, 2022 Purpose: The Purpose of this Committee is twofold: To advocate for and advance market designs and policies in support of EMA’s Mission to support open, competitive, and tradable market-based solutions for the achievement of sustainable development; To establish a forum by which EMA Members can connect to identify, track, and collaborate on critical policy issues impacting EMA’s Mission and our industry, whether directly through the EMA, or indirectly as an individual group of Members.
Governance: The EMA Board shall appoint a Committee Chair no less than annually who must be an EMA Member in good standing and a Member of the Board. The Committee Chair may appoint a Committee Co-chair who must only be an EMA Member in good standing.
Permitted Activities: The Policy Advocacy Committee and its Members are permitted by the EMA Board to pursue the following activities:
- Convene Meetings for the Discussion of Policy Matters – Meetings shall be called by the Committee Chair or Co-Chair. Meeting minutes shall be recorded for each meeting.
- Submit Written and/or Oral Testimony to Policy Makers – Written and/or Oral testimony shall adhere to EMA’s Mission and Market Principles. EMA Members are permitted to draft written or oral testimony on any relevant issue for submission to and review by the Committee. All testimony must be approved by the Committee Chair and the EMA Board through a majority vote.
- Hold Meetings or Present Positions to Policy Makers and Interested Stakeholders – Any discussions, negotiations, and/or presentations must advance EMA’s Mission and adhere to EMA’s Market Principles.The Committee and its Members must refrain from advocating issues that discriminate one segment of market participants against another.
Membership Requirements & Duties: Committee participants shall be Members of the EMA in good standing.Committee members have a responsibility to protect confidential information obtained during Committee participationthat is not used by Members strictly for the purpose of advancing market policy that aligns with EMA’s Mission. Violation of this clause may be cause for Committee removal at the discretion of the Committee Chair in conference with the Board.
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