EMA Selects Hofer and McComb as New Board Officers

Board Members of the Environmental Markets Association (EMA) unanimously voted in two new officers to serve in the role of Vice Chairperson and Treasurer. 

Christian Hofer of Sol Systems, a long-standing EMA Board Member and Chair of The Market Principles Committee, will serve in the role of Vice Chairperson. Mr. Hofer has worked tirelessly to publish multiple comments to legislators and is a driving force behind promoting EMA’s Market Principles.

Stephen McComb, a newly elected Board member and dedicated EMA member, will serve in the role of Treasurer. Mr. McComb has been a champion of new networking initiatives and is committed to seeing EMA prosper. 

Jack Velasquez of Marex Spectron will continue to serve as the Chairperson of EMA.

About EMA

The Environmental Markets Association is a 25-year-old pro-environment, pro-business, pro-competitive markets industry trade association with a mission to promote open, competitive and tradable market-based solutions to solve environmental challenges while simultaneously supporting sustainable economic development. EMA does this through education, advocacy, and networking opportunities for its members and the public. Learn more and join today at www.enviromarkets.org.

About Christian Hofer, Sol Systems

Mr. Hofer is an EMA Board of Director and serves as Chair of the Market Principles Committee, which aims to increase awareness about the advantages of market-based solutions for achieving sustainable development.  He is a Senior Director of Trading at Sol Systems, a leading renewable energy infrastructure developer in North America.  Prior to his role at Sol Systems, he led corporate development for Skystream Markets, a firm dedicated to building environmental commodity trading platforms.  Mr. Hofer has over a decade of experience transacting in environmental and capital markets. He holds a BS in Finance from the University of Connecticut School of Business, where he also published an economic thesis on the use of carbon offsets for implementing reforestation.

About Stephen McComb, IncubEx

Stephen McComb is a Chicago-based economist and environmental and energy executive who currently serves as a senior vice president of IncubEx. McComb joined IncubEx in 2019 as a senior vice president. He spent six and a half years at the Intercontinental Exchange in environmental market roles after it acquired the Chicago Climate Exchange in 2010. McComb has also served as an economist for the State Utility Forecasting Group at Purdue University.  He has also been a member of the Ontario Energy Board. McComb served in the Canadian armed services for three years as an infantryman.